Or , small and young girls also generally put on this . または一般の幼い女子や少女の履き物。
It's chief exports are textiles , footwear and rice . 主要な輸出品目は繊維製品 履き物 そして米です
It's chief exports are textiles , footwear and rice . 主要な輸出品目は繊維製品 履き物 そして米です
This was found from remains in the yayoi period , and is the oldest footwear in japan . 弥生時代の遺跡からも発掘されている、日本で最も古い履き物。
Therefore , while no one is certain that the footwear means zori , some suggest that the footwear was geta (clogs ) instead of zori . そのため、この「履き物」が草履かどうかは定かではなく、草履ではなく下駄の話だとする指摘もある。
This was footwear for kamuro (apprentices of high-class prostitutes ) attending on oiran (prostitutes ) in yoshiwara or on tayu (geisha of the highest rank ) in shimabara . 吉原の花魁、嶋原の太夫に付く禿の履き物。
While it usually comes to sort out some spirits housed in zori abandoned by their owners , it sometimes comes to punish people who carelessly treat zori . 仕事は主に捨てられた履き物に宿った霊の整理だが、履き物を粗末にする人間の家に懲らしめにくることもあるという。
While it usually comes to sort out some spirits housed in zori abandoned by their owners , it sometimes comes to punish people who carelessly treat zori . 仕事は主に捨てられた履き物に宿った霊の整理だが、履き物を粗末にする人間の家に懲らしめにくることもあるという。
However , there is a question whether the footwear was zori or not , because the original text of " kikimimi soshi " did not describe the footwear as zori . しかし、原典の『聴耳草紙』では単に「履き物」とのみ述べられており、草履かどうかという疑問が残る。
In a book titled " kikimimi soshi ' (a collection of folktales ) written by kizen sasaki who studied folktales , there is a mysterious story; one night , a footwear turned to be a monster and started singing , ' kararin , kororin , kankororin , i have three eyes and two teeth ' , in a house in which the family were careless about footwear . 民話研究家・佐々木喜善の著書『聴耳草紙』には、履き物を粗末にする者の家で、夜間に履き物が化け物となって「カラリン、コロリン、カンコロリン、まなぐ三つに歯二ん枚」と歌い出したという怪異がある。