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"履き物"の例文"履き物" 意味"履き物" 中国語の意味


  • 履き物
  •      物 もの thing object
  • 履き物工業    footwear industry
  • 汚れた履き物を脱ぐ部屋    mudroom / mud room
  • 上履き    上履き うわばき indoor shoes slippers
  • 下履き    下履き したばき outdoor shoes underpants
  • 履き口    履き口 top[化学]
  • 付き物    付き物 つきもの accessory accompaniment indispensable part appendage
  • 巻き物    巻き物 まきもの scroll or rolled sheet
  • 引き物    引き物 ひきもの a gift
  • 憑き物    憑き物 つきもの obsession
  • 戴き物    戴き物 いただきもの gift
  • 敷き物    → 敷物
  • 書き物    書き物 かきもの writing a document
  • 焚き物    焚き物 たきもの firewood
  • 焼き物    焼き物 やきもの earthenware pottery porcelain china


  • Or , small and young girls also generally put on this .
  • It's chief exports are textiles , footwear and rice .
    主要な輸出品目は繊維製品 履き物 そして米です
  • It's chief exports are textiles , footwear and rice .
    主要な輸出品目は繊維製品 履き物 そして米です
  • This was found from remains in the yayoi period , and is the oldest footwear in japan .
  • Therefore , while no one is certain that the footwear means zori , some suggest that the footwear was geta (clogs ) instead of zori .
  • This was footwear for kamuro (apprentices of high-class prostitutes ) attending on oiran (prostitutes ) in yoshiwara or on tayu (geisha of the highest rank ) in shimabara .
  • While it usually comes to sort out some spirits housed in zori abandoned by their owners , it sometimes comes to punish people who carelessly treat zori .
  • While it usually comes to sort out some spirits housed in zori abandoned by their owners , it sometimes comes to punish people who carelessly treat zori .
  • However , there is a question whether the footwear was zori or not , because the original text of " kikimimi soshi " did not describe the footwear as zori .
  • In a book titled " kikimimi soshi ' (a collection of folktales ) written by kizen sasaki who studied folktales , there is a mysterious story; one night , a footwear turned to be a monster and started singing , ' kararin , kororin , kankororin , i have three eyes and two teeth ' , in a house in which the family were careless about footwear .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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