This is used for walking along the mountain path , and was mainly used by priests doing ascetic practice in the mountains , and by ascetic buddhist monks including yamabushi (a mountain priest ). 山道を歩くための下駄であり、山の中で修行する僧侶や山伏などの修験者が主に用いた。
Follow the woodland pass to the fork in the path (entrance to kuya-taki waterfall ) which can pass a car , from where the only possible route is that the mountain path (approximately a 1 hour walk from the entrance to kuya-taki waterfall ). 途中の分岐点(空也滝入口)までは林道が通じ、車も入るが、そこから先は山道を歩く以外の交通手段はない(空也滝入口から徒歩約1時間)。