全体の 1 at large 全体の 2 【形】 1. all 2. communitywide 3. entire 4. gross 5. total 6. tutto 7. universal 8. whole 全体の 3 【連結】 omni- 全体の_% 1. __% of the total 2. __% of their total composition
A .s .i .s . took satellite images of the whole island . 島全体のA. S. I.
Asis took satellite images of the whole island . 島全体のa.s.i.s.衛星画像を取った
That's twothirds the size of the entire island of manhattan . マンハッタン島全体の 三分の二に相当する大きさです
The plant-derived foods from the laurel forests and fish catching in the inner bay areas were the characteristics of this cultural region; especially , approximately sixty percent of shell mounds excavated in the entire japanese archipelago were from this cultural region . 照葉樹林帯の植物性食料と内湾性の漁労がこの文化圏の特徴で、特に貝塚については日本列島全体の貝塚のうちおよそ6割がこの文化圏のものである。
However , the destruction of forests had advanced , and it is thought that by the year 800 , a considerable part of the forests in kinai had been lost , and by around the year of 1000 , the destruction had been extended to the forests of shikoku region and by the 1550 ' s , 25% of the forests in the whole japanese archipelago had been lost . だが日本列島における森林破壊は進行し、800年代までには畿内の森林の相当部分が、また1000年頃までには四国の森林も失われ、1550年代までにこの二つの地域の森林を中心にして日本列島全体の25%の森林が失われたと考えられている。