国籍が原因で厳しい差別を受ける face severe distinction due to the nationality
国籍が違うために社会的差別を受ける be discriminated against because of his nationality
However , from the warring states period to the azuchi momoyama period , fund-raising priests were apt to be called ' gannin bozu ' by using the discriminatory term for humiliation . が、戦国時代から安土桃山時代、勧進聖は「がんにん坊主」などと呼ばれ、貶められ差別を受ける傾向にあった。
Many of the japanese who immigrated to north and south america were sent to concentration camps during world war ii and many suffered severe discrimination for a short while even after the war . 特に、北米、及び南米へ移民した日系人の中には、第二次世界大戦中に日系人の強制収容をされたり、戦後暫くも激しい民族差別を受ける立場にあった者が多かった。