- send a credit note for difference
- 差額 差額 さがく balance difference margin
- 貸方 貸方 かしかた creditor how to lend
- 伝票 伝票 でんぴょう chit sales slip voucher
- 送る 送る おくる to send (a thing) to dispatch to take or escort (a person somewhere) to
- る る 僂 bend over
- 貸方伝票 credit voucher
- 貸方伝票 credit voucher
- 借り方伝票 debit memorandum [memo]
- 差額分析 1. difference analysis 2. different analysis
- 未払勘定のかなりの部分に当たる金額分の小切手を送る send a check for a good portion of the past-due balance
- 未払勘定の相当部分に当たる金額分の小切手を送る send a check for a good portion of the past-due balance
- 伝票を切る 1. issue a slip 2. issue a voucher
- 伝票を書く fill in a form
- 余分の人生を送る live on borrowed time〔病人などが生き延びて〕
- 余分の箱を送る send an extra case of〔~の〕