These were located close to the theaters and were simpler constructions which served ordinary people . 芝居小屋にほど近い地に位置し、簡単な店構えで庶民を迎え入れた。
The appearance of the stores is outstandingly bright and clean among ramen chain stores in kyoto , and mainly target women and families with children . 京都のラーメンチェーン店の中では、ずば抜けて明るく、清潔感があり、女性・子供連れを最も意識した店構えである。
Some kojaya (small tea rooms ) specialized as take-aways and did not have any seating for customers , and these tea rooms used dekata (ushers ) to deliver food to customers . 小茶屋のなかには、接客用の店構えのない出前専門のものもあり、こうした茶屋では出方とよばれる接客業者を専属で抱えていた。