I'd just like to have some of those gold bars . 金の延べ棒、いくらか欲しいな
Or if it is a golden bar , you would not know until you open it . 金の延べ棒が入ってるか開けるまで分かりません
On one side , we have gold bars . 一つに皿には金の延べ棒があります
Rod shaped hairpins are also known as ' nobe-bo ' (bar hairpains ). 棒状に変化したものを「延べ棒」と呼ぶこともある。
On one end , gold bars 片方は金の延べ棒―
And you can have it , chief , and all for the low , low price of everything the visitors have on me , a clean slate and one hell of a big pile of dollars . 親分さん 物はあるんです ビジターの皆様に不都合な物が 全てお求めやすい価格でね まず足の跡かない延べ棒
In the mean time , a set of hair ornaments for dayu at yoshiwara in edo (tokyo ) consisted of three combs , two tama-kanzashi , two matsuba , one kogai (a bar-shaped ornamental hairpin ) and twelve kiccho (other than these items , braided cord ornament to be attached to the back of mage were also included ). ちなみに太夫用の揃いは、江戸の吉原 (東京都)風ならば櫛3枚、玉かんざしと松葉を各2本づつ、笄(延べ棒)1本、吉丁を12本となる(これ以外に髷の後ろにつける組み紐の飾りなどがある)。
At shimabara in kyoto , a set consisted of three combs , one kogai (a bar-shaped ornamental hairpin ), six to twelve hirate-kanzashi , two birabira-kanzashi with long hanging ornaments , one flower kanzashi and katsuyama (a large-size tsumami-kanzashi ) (other than these items , kanoko that were attached around mage were included ). 京都の島原風なら櫛3枚、笄(延べ棒)1本、平打を6~12本、長い下がりのついたびらびら簪を2本、花簪1本、勝山(つまみ簪の大きいもの)などとなる(これ以外に髷の周りにつけるかの子などがある)。