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  • have a strong antipathy for〔~に〕
  • 強い     強い つよい strong powerful mighty potent
  • 嫌悪     嫌悪 けんお disgust hate repugnance
  • 悪感     悪感 あっかん おかん ill or unhappy feeling feeling feverish and chilly
  • 覚え     覚え おぼえ memory sense experience
  • える     える 得る 獲る to get to gain to win
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • 嫌悪感     1. creeps〔 【参考】 get the creeps ; give someone the creeps〕 2. disgust 3.
  • 覚える     覚える おぼえる to remember to memorize
  • 強い嫌悪     1. deep-seated antipathy 2. hatred 3. revulsion
  • 強い嫌悪感     1. strong abhorrence 2. strong antipathy 3. strong sense of dislike
  • 強い嫌悪感を与える    churn up〔~に〕
  • 強い嫌悪感を抱く    1. be repulsed by 2. develop a loathing for〔~に〕
  • 強い嫌悪感を持つ    have a strong aversion to〔~に〕
  • 嫌悪感を覚えない    feel no revulsion
  • 強い嫌悪感    1. strong abhorrence 2. strong antipathy 3. strong sense of dislike
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