- He suddenly froze, and I nearly bumped into him.
- 急に 急に adv. ①[不意に?突然] 〔いきなり〕 **suddenly 突然, 思いがけなく, 急に, 不意に(?gradually)∥
- 立ち 立ち たち stand
- すく すく 開く 明く 空く to open to become open to become empty to be less crowded to dawn
- くん くん 君 Mr (junior) master boy 訓 native Japanese reading (rendering) of a Chinese
- だの だの and or and the like and so forth and what not
- ので ので that being the case because of ...
- あや nuance
- やう やう 夜雨 night rain
- うく うく 浮く to float to become merry to become loose
- ドン ドン Don
- とぶ とぶ 跳ぶ 飛ぶ to jump to fly to leap to spring to bound to hop
- ぶつ ぶつ 仏 buddha Buddhism 勿 must not do not be not 打つ to hit to strike
- つか つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
- かる かる 狩る to hunt 駆る to drive (car) to spur on to impel 刈る to cut (hair) to mow
- とこ とこ 常 ever endless 床 bed sickbed alcove padding
- ころ ころ 頃 time about toward approximately (time)
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- つかる つかる 漬かる to be pickled to be soaked
- ところ ところ 所 place
- あやうく あやうく 危うく almost nearly in imminent danger of
- ぶつかる ぶつかる to strike to collide with
- とぶつかる go up against ~とぶつかる 1. butt heads with 2. cannon into 3. collide against
- ドンとぶつかる 【自動】 bump