- His boots are too small for me.
- 彼の 彼の あの that over there
- ブー boo〔カタカナ発音〕
- 私の 【代名】 my
- 小さ 小さ ちいさ small little tiny
- 過ぎ 過ぎ すぎ past after
- る る 僂 bend over
- ブーツ ブーツ boots
- 過ぎる 過ぎる すぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
- このシャツは私には小さ過ぎる This shirt is too small for me.
- 431)は私には小さ過ぎました。 Unfortunately the navy sweater ordered from the knitwear section (order number 431) is too small for me.
- このソファは3人には小さ過ぎる This sofa is too small for three people.
- ピーターのベッドは彼には小さ過ぎる Peter's bed is too small for him.
- 彼女の服は彼女には小さ過ぎる Her dress is too small for her.
- 微生物は肉眼で見るには小さ過ぎる Microbes are too small to see with the naked eye.