- He recalls a memoir about the difficulties he experienced.
- 経験 経験 けいけん experience
- した した 舌 tongue 下 under below beneath
- 数々 数々 かずかず many
- つら つら 面 face mug surface facial features mask face guard side or facet corner
- らい らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
- 出来 出来 でき smart quality しゅったい occurrence happening taking place
- 思い 思い おもい thought mind heart feelings emotion sentiment love affection desire
- こす こす 漉す to filter to strain 超す to cross to pass to tide over 越す to go over (e.g.
- つらい つらい 辛い painful heart-breaking
- 出来事 出来事 できごと incident affair happening event
- 起こす 起こす おこす to raise to cause to wake someone
- 思い起こす 思い起こす おもいおこす to recall to remember
- つらい出来事 terrible event
- これまでに起こった数々の幸運な出来事を思う count the many blessings in one's life
- 人生で起こった数々の幸運な出来事を思う count the many blessings in one's life