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  • She is very similar to her grandmother.
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • 女の     【形】 1. distaff 2. feminine 3. fem〔 【語源】 feminine〕
  • おば     おば 叔母 aunt (younger than one's parent) 伯母 aunt (older than one's parent)
  • ばあ     ばあ n. boo 【C】 ブー[バアー]という声.
  • ちゃ     ちゃ 茶 tea
  • くり     くり 栗 chestnut 庫裏 monastery kitchen priests' quarters 刳り hollow scoop
  •      だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
  • 彼女の     【代名】 her
  • ちゃん     ちゃん suffix for familiar (female) person 瀝青 asphalt bitumen
  • そっくり     そっくり all altogether entirely be just like the splitting image of
  • おばあちゃん     1. gramma〈俗〉 2. gran 3. grandma 4. grandmum 5. granny 6. nan / nanna 7. nanny
  • おばあちゃんそっくり。    She looks like Grandma.
  • 彼女は母親にそっくりだ    She is the express image of her mother.
  • おばあちゃん    1. gramma〈俗〉 2. gran 3. grandma 4. grandmum 5. granny 6. nan / nanna 7. nanny 8. old dame
  • おばあちゃんよ!    Grandma!
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