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  • She's very good with money, so she was penny-pinching all the way.
  • 彼女     彼女 かのじょ she girl friend sweetheart
  • お金     お金 おかね money
  • 金の     【形】 1. auric 2. aurous 3. gilt 4. gold 5. golden
  • 使い     使い つかい errand message messenger bearer use usage trainer tamer mission
  • 上手     上手 じょうず じょうて じょうしゅ skill skillful dexterity うわて かみて upper part upper stream
  • から     から 殻 shell husk hull chaff from out of through since because 空 emptiness
  • 切り     切り きり limits end bounds period place to leave off closing sentence all there
  • 詰め     詰め つめ stuffing packing keep doing for period of time (verbal suf) an end the
  • くれ     くれ 暮れ year end sunset nightfall end
  • 使い方     使い方 つかいかた way to use something treatment management (of help)
  • とても     とても 迚も very awfully exceedingly
  • だから     だから so therefore
  • ずっと     ずっと consecutively throughout a lot
  • 切り詰め     切り詰め きりつめ retrenchment curtailment
  • お金の使い方     spending habits
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