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  • promote necessary land reform
  • 必要     必要 ひつよう necessary essential indispensable
  • 土地     土地 とち plot of land lot soil
  • 改革     改革 かいかく reform reformation innovation
  • 進め     【間投】 giddyap / giddyup / giddap / giddup〔馬を進ませるときの掛け声◆ 【語源】 get up の発音から〕
  •      る 僂 bend over
  • 進める     進める すすめる to advance to promote to hasten
  • 土地改革     土地改革 とちかいかく land reform
  • 必要な教育改革を進める    proceed with the educational reforms necessary to〔~に〕
  • 非暴力的に土地改革を進める    follow a nonviolent path toward land reform
  • 国連改革を進める    advance United Nations reform
  • 改革を進める 1    1. advance reform 2. carry out reforms 3. go ahead with reforms 4. move ahead with reforms 5. move forward with reforms 6. plow ahead with reform 7. press forward with structural reforms 8. promote
  • 改革を進める中で    in forging ahead with reform
  • 教育改革を進める    1. move forward with educational reform 2. push educational reforms
  • 構造改革を進める    1. advance structural reforms 2. proceed with structural reforms
  • 県政改革を進める    pursue reforms of the prefecture's administration
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