They're much more consistent from one time to another 一貫性がより強く見られ恒常的です
Is , in fact , it's not a permanent place . 恒常的に同じ海域にはないことです
Your cells are in a constant state of flux . 細胞が恒常的に流動状態だから
Because , in fact , this is what happened これは人類の歴史の中でほぼ恒常的に
It was considered that gafu were always placed in tsushima around 1540 . 1540年頃には牙符は恒常的に対馬に置かれていたものと考えられている。
They are constantly upgrading , and in a few cases , the government helps . 彼らは恒常的にアップグレードし、少数の場合には政府もサポートします
In the muromachi period , this tax was imposed so often that it gradually transpired into a permanent tax . 室町時代になると度々課せられるようになり、次第に恒常的税に変貌する。
The system to secure the safety of shinkansen has been operated securely and has been maintained regularly . 新幹線の安全を確保するシステムが的確に運用され、恒常的に維持されてきている。
However , during the sengoku period , conflicts between territorial provinces made it necessary to be always prepared for a war . しかし戦国時代になると領国間の紛争に伴う恒常的な臨戦態勢が必要となった。
Some are seen at fairs , but it generally refers to those who constantly do business in front of stations , and in other busy areas . - 縁日で見かける例もあるが、駅前などで恒常的に商売するものをさす。