- way to kick the habit
- 悪い 悪い わるい bad inferior かたい にくい difficult hard にくい hateful abominable poor-looking
- 習慣 習慣 しゅうかん custom habit manners
- 止め 止め とどめ finishing blow clincher
- 方法 方法 ほうほう method manner way means technique
- 法 法 ほう Act (law: the X Act)
- 止める 止める とめる to stop (something) やめる to end to stop to cease to resign とどめる to stop
- 悪い習慣 1. bad habits 2. bad practice
- 習慣を止める方法 way to kick the habit
- 習慣を止める方法 way to kick the habit
- 悪い習慣をやめる 1. break [get rid of, kick, overcome, shake off] a bad habit 2. do away with the conventionalities of the past 3. drop a bad habit 4. get this monkey off one's back 5. shake a habit
- 悪い習慣を改める 1. break free of one's bad habit 2. reform bad habits
- 悪い習慣を断つ break [get rid of, kick, overcome, shake off] a bad habit
- 悪い習慣を直す 1. break someone of a (bad) habit 2. get over the habit
- たばこを吸うような悪い習慣をやめる get rid of bad habits like smoking
- 病気の進行を止める方法 method to halt the progression of a disease