悲しみを忘れる の英語
しみ しみ 染み stain spot 蠧魚 衣魚 紙魚 silverfish clothes moth bookworm る る 僂 bend over 悲しみ 悲しみ かなしみ sadness sorrow grief 忘れる 忘れる わすれる to forget to leave carelessly to be forgetful of to forget about to悲しみを忘れさせる take someone's mind off someone's grief〔人の〕 過去の憎しみを忘れる forget past animosities より大きな悲しみは、小さな悲しみを忘れさせる。 The greater grief drives out the less. 嗜みを忘れる 1. fly [get] into a temper [fury, passion, rage, tantrum] / lose one's block 2. get out of temper 3. lose one's temper 失恋の悲しみを完全に忘れる completely take mind off romantic sadness 有難みを忘れる take ~ for granted〔~の〕 過去の痛みを忘れる forget the pain of the past 恥を忘れる die to shame 恩を忘れる 恩を忘れる おんをわすれる to be ungrateful 我を忘れる 1. be all over the place〈米俗〉 2. be out of oneself 3. forget the self 4. go [jump] off (at) the deep end 5. go into transports 6. let oneself be carried away 7. lose control (of oneself) 数を忘れる lose count (of)〔~の〕
And she and her two daughters were more than happy to provide ella with lots and lots of distraction . エラに用事を 押付けて来れば来るほど 悲しみを忘れる ことができた And she and her two daughters were more than happy to provide ella with lots and lots of distraction . エラに用事を 押付けて来れば来るほど 悲しみを忘れる ことができた