- Lucy ! come on , come on . stop being so nasty .
どうして そんな意地悪な 態度をとるんだ - Lucy ! come on , come on . stop being so nasty .
どうして そんな意地悪な 態度をとるんだ - If you have the time to come to banks acting like big shots
銀行に来て 偉そうな態度をとる 暇があるのなら - Why do you automatically take that attitude with me these days , huh ?
何で最近 そんな態度をとる? - Why do you automatically take that attitude with me these days , huh ?
何で最近 そんな態度をとる? - Pause , be kind of herkyjerky .
尻込みし ぎこちない態度をとるでしょう - And don't come back until you've redeemed yourselves .
汚い言葉を吐き 野蛮な態度をとるなんて 出ておいき! 罪をあがなうまでは - He was brash , irreverent
ずうずうしく ふそんな態度をとる人でもあり - I hate it when you're like this .