- 所得 所得 しょとく income earnings
- 税率 税率 ぜいりつ tariff tax rate
- 率 率 りつ rate ratio proportion percentage
- 所得税 所得税 しょとくぜい income tax
- 実効所得税率 effective income tax rate
- 最低所得税率 minimum income tax rate
- 最高所得税率 maximum income tax rate
- 法人所得税率 corporate income tax rate
- 限界所得税率 marginal rate of income tax
- 所得税の税率表 income tax rates table
- 所得税率を変える vary the rate of income tax
- 自分の所得税率 rate of one's income tax
- 所得税率を劇的に下げる dramatically slash income-tax rates
- 所得税率を引き上げる increase income tax rates
- 所得税率を_%引き上げる add __% to the income tax rate