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"投資"の例文"投資" 意味"投資" 中国語の意味


  • 投資
  • 再投資    再投資 さいとうし reinvest
  • 投資 1    1. capital investment 2. capitalization〔 【略】 cap.〕 3. investing 4. investment 5. principal investment 投資 2 diversion〔多方面への〕 投資 3 venture capitalism〔投機的事業への〕
  • 投資国    1. investing country 2. parent country
  • 投資客    investing client
  • 投資家    投資家 とうしか investor
  • 投資熱    investment climate〔世間の〕
  • 投資率    1. investment rate 2. investment-income ratio 3. rate of investment
  • 投資界    investment community
  • 投資者    investor
  • 投資表    investment schedule
  • 投資財    1. investment commodity 2. investment goods 3. investment-goods production
  • 投資部    finance department
  • 投資量    1. flow of investments 2. quantity invested 3. volume of investment
  • 投資金    1. investment 2. investment money 3. smart money
  • 投資額    stake


  • This guy runs the china investment corporation .
  • And sustainable investing incorporates esg factors
    サステナビリティ投資では esg要因も
  • And many of them are not really familiar with the continent .
  • But , still , it's a fairly big capital investment .
  • And sustainable investing incorporates esg factors
    サステナビリティ投資では ESG要因も
  • It's your typical swindle aimed at older people .
    典型的な お年寄りを狙った投資詐欺ですね
  • To explain why we must invade a foreign country
    外国に侵攻すべき理由や 投資銀行を税金で ―
  • To explain why we must invade a foreign country
    外国に侵攻すべき理由や 投資銀行を税金で ―
  • Which is providing huge amounts of funds today
    クリーンテクノロジーに 大きな投資をしており
  • They can have it . how much will they invest ?
    だったら渡してください どれだけ投資できると?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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