The autobiography of kikugoro mentioned that a man involved in play whose name was naosuke visited kikugoro to show nishiki-e (a color woodblock print ) drawn by kunisada utagawa which showed that kikugoro himself was disguised as bentenkozo stick a bare sword into a floor and drank sake , and kikugoro immediately asked shinshichi kawatake to adapt it . 菊五郎の自伝によれば、芝居の関係者の直助と言う男が、歌川国貞画の錦絵を見せに来たら、自分自身が弁天小僧の扮装で抜き身の刀を床に突き刺して酒を飲む絵柄だったので、早速河竹新七に脚色を依頼したとある。
(with regard to the story of visiting the sick toshiie , on the contrary , there remains an episode that toshiie had a naked sword hidden under his futon , or it is said that the above-mentioned story was the secondary historical material which was composed to submit to the bakufu [japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ] in the edo period , and that it was the description so created that the maeda family , a great tozama [outsider ] daimyo , flattered the tokugawa family . for that reason , it is unknown whether it was true or false .) (だがこの見舞いの件に関しては一方で、利家が布団の下に抜き身の刀を忍ばせていたというエピソードが残っていたり、上記の話が江戸時代に幕府に提出するために作られた二次史料で、外様の大大名であった前田家が徳川家に媚びるため創作された記述とも言われ真偽は不明である。)