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  • 1. bare sword
    2. naked sword
  •      刀 かたな sword blade とう sword saber knife engraving tool
  • 抜き身     抜き身 ぬきみ naked (drawn) sword
  • 抜き身の刀で    with a drawn sword
  • 抜き身の剣    drawn sword
  • 抜き身    抜き身 ぬきみ naked (drawn) sword
  • 細身の刀    narrow sword
  • むき身の     むき身の adj. shelled 殼を取り去った∥ a shelled oyster カキのむき身 peeled むかれた∥ a peeled shrimp エビのむき身. (見出しへ戻る headword ? むき身)
  • 抜き身を突きつけて    by [with] the edge of the sword
  • 鍬の刀    plowshare
  • 剥き身    剥き身 むきみ shellfish stripped from its shell
  • 憂き身    憂き身 うきみ wretched life
  • 浮き身    浮き身 うきみ floating on one's back
  • 生き身    生き身 いきみ living body flesh and blood raw meat
  • 開き身    fillet
  • メス形の刀    scalpel-shaped knife


  • The autobiography of kikugoro mentioned that a man involved in play whose name was naosuke visited kikugoro to show nishiki-e (a color woodblock print ) drawn by kunisada utagawa which showed that kikugoro himself was disguised as bentenkozo stick a bare sword into a floor and drank sake , and kikugoro immediately asked shinshichi kawatake to adapt it .
  • (with regard to the story of visiting the sick toshiie , on the contrary , there remains an episode that toshiie had a naked sword hidden under his futon , or it is said that the above-mentioned story was the secondary historical material which was composed to submit to the bakufu [japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ] in the edo period , and that it was the description so created that the maeda family , a great tozama [outsider ] daimyo , flattered the tokugawa family . for that reason , it is unknown whether it was true or false .)
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