You're a failure of a human being if you can't understand the appeal of my forehead . 人間の持つ可能性を押しとどめる
There is also an anecdote which claims tsunayori ' s mother baireiin to be the person who stopped tsunayori and not irobe or chisaka . 色部や千坂ではなく、綱憲の母梅嶺院が綱憲を押しとどめるという逸話もある。
The end of the scene takes the same form as that of " kotobuki soga no taimen ," in which moronao , who is the enemy , and wakasanosuke , who is the excited aragoto (kabuki character featuring exaggerated posture , makeup , and costume ), are being held back by hangan , who is the wagoto (the peacemaker character in kabuki ). 切りは敵役の師直、勇みたつ荒事の若狭介、二人を押しとどめる和事の判官と、『壽曾我對面』の幕切れと同じ形式になっている。