- hold a cigarette between one's fingers
- 指先 指先 ゆびさき fingertip
- 先に 先に さきに before earlier than ahead beyond away previously recently せんに formerly
- たば たば 束 bundle bunch sheaf coil
- 挟む 挟む はさむ to interpose to hold between to insert
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- たばこ たばこ 莨 煙草 tobacco (pt: tabaco) cigarettes
- ひそかにたばこを吸う sneak a smoke
- パイプにたばこを詰める tamp tobacco into a pipe
- 口にたばこをくわえる hold a cigarette in one's lips
- 授乳中にたばこを吸う smoke while breast-feeding
- 断りなしにたばこを吸う smoke without asking
- 吸う〔たばこを〕 【他動】 drag
- いたずら半分にたばこを吸う smoke just for kicks
- ひっきりなしにたばこを吸う人 persistent smoker
- めったにたばこを吸わない I rarely smoke.