In this new revolution , this new feminist issue . この新たな革命の指揮を取るのです
Then send a hundred thousand , i'll lead them . ならば十万の兵士を送れ 俺が指揮を取る
Miami metro has been sidelined by homeland security . 国土安全保障省が指揮を取る
The chancellor has requested ... that i lead the campaign . 議長は 私に作戦の 指揮を取るようにと
The chancellor has requested ... that i lead the campaign . 議長は 私に作戦の 指揮を取るようにと
I go to the front of the line . 私が指揮を取る
Munemori ' s younger brother taira no tomomori took overall command as admiral . 宗盛の弟の平知盛が大将として指揮を取ることになった。
It originated in china during the period of warring states; where the general who took command in place of a king was called bakufu . 戦国時代 (中国)、王に代わって指揮を取る出先の将軍が張った陣地を幕府と呼んだことに由来する。
In 1342 , he and his father yoshisuke left the capital for iyo province to organize and control the party standing for the imperial court in chugoku and shikoku regions . 興国3年(1342年)に父・義助と共に中国、四国の宮方の指揮を取るために伊予国に下向する。
On january 10 , 1184 , yoshinaka became angry and attacked hojuji-dono palace and tomoyasu , who took command of a defensive battle , and suffered a crushing defeat . 怒った義仲は寿永2年(1183年)11月19日、法住寺殿を攻撃、知康が防戦の指揮を取るが、さんざんに敗れた。