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"指標種" 意味


  • 1. index species
    2. indicator species
  • 指標     指標 しひょう index indices
  •      種 たね seed pip kind variety quality tone material matter subject theme (news)
  • 環境指標種    環境指標種 environmental indicator species
  • 環境指標種調査(身近な生き物調査)    環境指標種調査(身近な生き物調査) Environmental Indicator Species Survey (Survey of Common Wildlife)
  • 指標    指標 しひょう index indices
  • c指標    C指標 C figure[基礎]; C index[基礎]; magnetic character figure[基礎]
  • u指標    U指標 U figure[基礎]; U index[基礎]
  • 指標 1    1. characteristic of logarithm 2. collimating mark 3. guidepost 4. index 5. indication pointer 6. indicator 7. lodestar / loadstar 8. mark 9. marker 10. measure 11. navigation mark 12. reference mar
  • 指標(群論)    指標(群論) character[化学]
  • 指標名    index name
  • 指標性    nature of index
  • 指標点    indicator point
  • 指標環    index circle
  • 指標群    character group
  • 指標表    character table
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