指示を受けて帰宅させられる be sent home with instructions to〔~するという〕
衆議院の過半数の指示を受けて with the backing of the majority of Lower House members
インターネットを経由して携帯電話あるいはパソコンから指示を受ける receive instructions from someone's owner's cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] or personal computer via the Internet [Net]
I know . oh , she tells me what to do . that's how this works . 俺は指示を受けるだけだ
But jirozaemon iono of tottori domain (who later became prefectural governor of kumihama prefecture ) intervened in their support as well , and tonomi iwakura officially linked them to tottori domain and gave them instructions to begin calling themselves the ' yamagunitai ' (yamaguni army ); with this , the yamagunitai was born . しかし鳥取藩の伊王野治郎左衛門(後の久美浜県知事)の仲介もあって、岩倉具視から鳥取藩に付属し「山国隊」と称するようにとの指示を受けることができ、山国隊が誕生した。