良いロケーションを探し回る scout out a good viewing location〔撮影などのために〕〔眺めの〕
Genius wants to get out on the street and work this . 街に出て探し回る
No more driving around looking for one もう駐車場を探し回る必要はありません
But i was able to root around to the basement beneath the building . だが 建物の地下を 探し回ることはできた
But i was able to root around to the basement beneath the building . だが 建物の地下を 探し回ることはできた
Wandering around the warehouse . 倉庫内を探し回ることに使います
Is looking for parking spots . 探し回ることなのです
Agents will hunt your ass down . 警官共が探し回る
You ever hunted ? no . ハント(探し回る)の経験は?
His attorney would have poked so many holes in our case that the charges would have been dropped long before trial . 教授の弁護士は 事件のアラを探し回る
That's another thing , why you got me running around town , trying to find some stupid piece of plastic , when i have a perfectly good tub i can use ? プラスチックの容器を 探し回るのはアホらしいだろ