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  • show (one's) respect (for)〔~に〕


  • Take me to your crypt . i want to pay my respects .
    地下室に案内してくれ 敬意を示す
  • Take me to your crypt . i want to pay my respects .
    地下室に案内してくれ 敬意を示す
  • Think you might show a little more respect .
    君 もう少し敬意を示すべきだぞ
  • The most respectful way to refer to saigo is nanshu-okina .
  • So you show a little respect when someone offers you a job !
    だから、少し敬意を示す 誰かがあなたに仕事を提供していますよ!
  • And what i want to talk about is something that compliments both systems .
  • By my deeds , i honor him .
    行動で敬意を示す V8
  • But as for us , if i stay out of your way , you'll show me the same respect ?
    だが 我々のために 俺があんたの邪魔をしないなら 同じように敬意を示すのか?
  • So pardillo is a respectful angel of vengeance looking to honor the customs of his wouldbe victim ?
    だから パディロは 犯人の習慣に 敬意を示すつつ報復に出るというのか?
  • So pardillo is a respectful angel of vengeance looking to honor the customs of his wouldbe victim ?
    だから パディロは 犯人の習慣に 敬意を示すつつ報復に出るというのか?
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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