However , some materials indicate different numbers of chapters by including other chapters that do not exist today . 但し、それらとは別に現在存在しない巻を含めるなどによって別の巻数を示す資料も存在する。
The kazuken was played by two people using finger signals with one hand to show a number at the same time as calling out the sum of both players ' numbers , and the one who gave out the correct answer became the winner . 数拳は2人が互いに片手の指で数を示すと同時に双方の出した数の合計を言い、当たった方が勝ちというもの。
The most widely accepted theory is that ' nana ' (seven ) does not come from the number of the entrances but from a concept of an ancient administrative division called five provinces and seven circuits (gokishichido ) -- kyoto is the center of gokishichido and the entrances lead to seven circuits , or provinces . そこで、「七」は数を示すのではなく、古代の日本の行政区画概念である「五畿七道」の中心にあり、その「七道」すなわち地方諸国へつながっていることを表すというのがルーツであるとする説が有力である。
Structurally , the main hall consists of two buildings of yosemune-zukuri (a square or rectangular building , covered with a hipped roof ) including the shodo hall of seven ken wide by four ken deep (ken is an architectural term representing the number of intercolumniation space between two columns and not a unit of distance ) and the raido hall of nine ken wide by four ken deep that have been interconnected by the ainoma of one ken deep , presenting a convex plane view . 構造的には正面7間、奥行4間(「間」は長さの単位ではなく、柱間の数を示す建築用語)の正堂と、正面9間、奥行4間の礼堂という2つの寄棟造建物の間を、奥行1間の「合の間」でつないだ形になり、平面は凸字形になる。