Reengineering the code could take weeks or months . コード再設計には数週間かかる
They can repair it , but it'll take weeks . 修復は可能だけど 数週間かかる
They can repair it , but it'll take weeks . 修復は可能だけど 数週間かかる
What i was looking at from raw ones and zeros 数週間かかるでしょうが
And even that would take weeks . それだと数週間かかる
In ones and zeros 数週間かかるでしょう
I'll need to run some more lab tests to be sure , but that could take weeks if i don't know what to look for . ラボでもっと詳しく調べないと 調べるには 数週間かかる
I'll need to run some more lab tests to be sure , but that could take weeks if i don't know what to look for . ラボでもっと詳しく調べないと 調べるには 数週間かかる
Hacking all the financial data of the whole country would take weeks , unless you eliminated the congestion . 国じゅうの金融サーバーに、 不正侵入するとしたら数週間かかるだろう... 最短で見積もったとしてもね。