登録 ログイン


発音記号:[ zhěngshù ]  読み方
"整数"の例文"整数" 意味"整数" 中国語の意味


  • 整数
  • 半整数    half-integer〔奇数の2分の1〕《数学》
  • 整数 1    1. integer number 2. integral number 3. whole number 整数 2 integer《数学》
  • 整数の     【形】 1. integral 2. whole
  • 整数倍    1. integral multiple 2. integral multiplication
  • 整数型    1. integer type 2. integral type
  • 整数式    integer expression
  • 整数比    整数比 せいすうひ (expressed as) the ratios of whole numbers
  • 整数解    integer solution
  • 整数論    整数論 せいすうろん theory of numbers number theory
  • 整数部    integral part
  • 2進整数    binary integer
  • 不定整数    n
  • 代数的整数    algebraic integer
  • 倍長整数型    倍長整数型 long integer type[電情]
  • 半整数共鳴    半整数共鳴 half integer resonance[基礎]


  • Where a and b are whole numbers and b is not zero .
    AとBは共に整数 Bはゼロ以外の数である
  • Where a and b are whole numbers and b is not zero .
    aとbは共に整数 bはゼロ以外の数である
  • Projected adjustment values have been cleared .
    b型ハーモニクステスト、問題なし。 深度調整数値をすべてクリア。
  • Monochrome , fully monochrome , all in integer mathematics .
    白黒で まったく色はなく 整数の算術だけです
  • Monochrome , fully monochrome , all in integer mathematics .
    白黒で まったく色はなく 整数の算術だけです
  • The study of integral equations and arithmetic was further developed by inheriting the tradition of chinese mathematics .
  • The study of integral equations and arithmetic was further developed by inheriting the tradition of chinese mathematics .
  • However , they were connected with the shaku later , defined as unit equivalent to integral multiples of shaku or integral divisions of shaku .
  • However , they were connected with the shaku later , defined as unit equivalent to integral multiples of shaku or integral divisions of shaku .
  • Kiwari is a system for measuring out almost all the sizes of architectural members according to a ratio based on hashirama (a bay or span ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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