Soon an order was issued to subjugate yoshinobu as the enemy of the imperial court , and the imperial army led by general prince arisugawa taruhito set off to the east . 間もなく、慶喜を朝敵とする追討令が下り、大総督・有栖川宮熾仁親王に率いられた官軍が東征を開始する。
Although rokkaku clan once defeated back oda with support by miyoshi sanninshu (miyoshi triumvirate ) who were also opposed to oda , the next year mitsukuri castle was attacked to fall , and rokkaku clan also lost their footing around kannonji castle . 一度は織田を共通の敵とする三好三人衆の助勢を得て撃退するも、翌年には箕作城を攻められ落城することになり、同時に観音寺城周辺の地盤も失った。
After their failure in the baku-cho war (war between bakufu and choshu ) carried out in 1865 , the authority of edo bakufu (japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) collapsed , and in 1867 , the noticeboards (that says choshu clan is emperor ' s enemy ) placed by the bakufu were frequently pulled out in kyoto . 1865年(慶応元年)に実施された幕長戦争の失敗以降、江戸幕府の権威は失墜し、慶応2年になると京都では幕府の立てた(長州藩を朝敵とする内容の)制札が引き抜かれるという事件が頻発しだした。