Nobunaga oda disliked that the idea of ' muen ' of temples and shrines becoming a shield of his enemies . 織田信長は、寺社の「無縁」性が敵対者の盾となることを嫌った。
With the death of sumimoto hosokawa , takakuni ' s long-time enemy , due to illness in awa on june 2 of the same year , takakuni had outlived his last enemy and thereby became the tenkabito , or the person holding the reins of government . 長年敵対を続けてきた細川澄元が同年6月2日に阿波で病死し、敵対者のいなくなった高国は天下人になった。
During this period , the fighting between masakado and his adversaries was viewed as merely private warfare (personal skirmishes among the gozoku [regional ruling families ]) and it is thought that the imperial court did not see them as rebellious acts against the country . この時期には将門と敵対者の戦いはあくまでも私戦(豪族間の個人的ないざこざ)とみなされ、国家に対する反乱であるという認識は朝廷側にはなかったと考えられている。