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  • " the milky way " implies ' the garaxy ' or ' the galactic system ,' depending on the context .
    英語の Milky Way (ミルキーウェイ)は文脈によって「天の川」と「銀河系」の両方を指す
  • The term ' yamato ' (大和 in kanji (chinese character ) itself originally referred to the nara district , and at the same time , it is an old word indicating the whole of japan (in this case , the kanji ' 倭 ' was used in old times ).
  • Tabe was one of the systems that were established during the kofun period (tumulus period ) to control people and land , which also referred to people who cultivated miyake under the direct control of yamato sovereignty (the ancient japan sovereignty ).
  • Therefore , in europe in the latter half of the 19th century , the term of tao-ism was created for indicating both of the religions , and a french academic school , headed by henry maspero , went as far as to point to a causal relationship between the two religions .
  • According to this theory , the jimmu tosei (eastern expedition of the emperor jinmu ) moved the capital to yamato province and " hitakami no kuni " started to be referred to as the region to the east of yamato province , so it finally came to be referred to as the kitakami-gawa river basin .
  • Engi in buddhism (sanskrit: pratiitya-samutpaada; pali: paticca-samuppaada ) is one of the fundamental ideas in buddhism , and its meaning is the idea that everything in this world is related to the other in direct and indirect ways , changing and disappearing in the relationship .
    仏教における縁起 (えんぎ、サンスクリット:pratiitya-samutpaada、パーリ語:paTicca-samuppaada)は、仏教の根幹をなす思想の一つで、世界の一切は直接にも間接にも何らかのかたちでそれぞれ関わり合って消滅変化しているという考え方を指す
  • In hokkaido the old provincial names were used for only brief period of time; therefore , contrary to usual cases , in many cases the names without " province ' mean existing municipalities such as in the cases of numuro city , kitami city , ishikari city , teshio-cho; however , in case of kushiro city , addition of ' city ' is required to distinguish it from the homonymous kushiro-cho as in the case of tosa city in kochi prefecture and tosa-cho .
  • Other than meaning the smallest unit of military tactics in this paper , ' sonae ,' ' shu ,' ' tai ,' ' kumi ,' ' zei ' and ' te ,' may refer to units that contain multiples of such or the way such things are counted (for example , oda zei (oda forces ), ii tai (ii troops ), saiga shu (gun troop ), senbi sante (three vans of an army ), and so on ), or they may refer to troops of each unit of military branch below such or the way such things are counted (for example , yari gumi (spear fighter unit ), teppo shu (gun fighter unit ), yumi tai (the arrow-shooting unit ), 大番六備 ).
  • Other than meaning the smallest unit of military tactics in this paper , ' sonae ,' ' shu ,' ' tai ,' ' kumi ,' ' zei ' and ' te ,' may refer to units that contain multiples of such or the way such things are counted (for example , oda zei (oda forces ), ii tai (ii troops ), saiga shu (gun troop ), senbi sante (three vans of an army ), and so on ), or they may refer to troops of each unit of military branch below such or the way such things are counted (for example , yari gumi (spear fighter unit ), teppo shu (gun fighter unit ), yumi tai (the arrow-shooting unit ), 大番六備 ).
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