Who'll give the axis the sack and is smart as a fox ? 日独伊をやっつける キツネのように賢い人は誰?
On september 27 , the tripartite pact between japan , germany and italy was signed . 9月27日に日独伊三国軍事同盟を締結。
Yeah , the u .s . issued it to support the spanish underground in their battle against the axis . 日独伊枢軸国に対するスペインの地下組織の戦いを アメリカが支援するために発行されたんです
Less than six months later , the army demanded that the government form an alliance with germany and italy . 半年も経たない頃から、陸軍は政府に日独伊三国同盟の締結を執拗に要求。
In response to international criticism from britain and the u .s ., japan concluded the alliance of japan , germany and italy . 国際的には英米などから批判を受けて、日独伊三国同盟を結んだ。
Withdrawing from the league of nations , japan allied itself with the fascist government of germany and that of italy (the alliance of japan , germany , and italy ) and entered world war ii (the pacific war/the greater east asian war ). 国際連盟を脱退し、日本はドイツ、イタリアのファシスト政権と日独伊三国同盟結び、第二次世界大戦(太平洋戦争・大東亜戦争)に突入した。
Gozenkaigi was abolished during the taisho period , but it was restored in 1938 , and then , matters such as the agreements after the sino-japanese war , the tripartite pact , and the start of the war against the usa , england and the netherland were decided at gozenkaigi . 大正期には中断したが、昭和13年(1938年)以後復活、日中戦争の処理方針、日独伊三国同盟、対米英蘭開戦などを決定した。
Around this period , like the nazis in germany and the benito mussolini government in italy , fascist systems were established , and because the tripartite pact between japan , germany , and italy was formed , the system of imperial household at this time was called tennosei fascism . この時代には、ドイツのナチス政権やイタリアのベニート・ムッソリーニ政権といったファシズム体制が成立し、日独伊三国同盟が結ばれたことから、この時期の日本の皇室制度は天皇制ファシズムとも呼ばれている。