有名になる前は の英語
有名 有名 ゆうめい fame なる なる 鳴る to sound to ring to resound to echo to roar to rumble 為る to change to beは は 刃 edge (of a sword) 歯 tooth 派 clique faction school 葉 leaf 有名になる rise to fame 有名になる 1 1. achieve [attain, come into, rise to, win] prominence 2. achieve fame 3. become famous 4. become well-known 5. climb one's way up 6. come to fame 7. come to the front [fore] 8. come to the top 9. さらに有名になる become the latest celebrity to〔~することで〕 とても有名になる make quite a name for oneself 一躍有名になる 1. be catapulted into fame 2. leap to fame 3. rocket to fame 4. spring into fame 学識で有名になる distinguish oneself by scholarship 小説で有名になる make one's name with one's novel 急に有名になる 1. bound into fame 2. rise [come] to sudden fame 3. thrust into fame 死後有名になる become famous after one's death 海外で有名になる gain fame overseas 非常に有名になる acquire great celebrity よってさらに有名になる be made much more famous by〔人に〕
And she was miss nevada before she got famous and she couldn't hold a fucking candle to you .有名になる前は ミスネバダだった そして彼女は君と まるで比べものにならなかったよ