- read a book without skipping
- 読む 読む よむ to read
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- 飛ばさずに読む read without skipping
- 飛ばさずに読む read without skipping
- 本を飛び飛びに読む read the book skipping some parts
- 文字を略さずに読む spell out〔略語を〕
- 次に読む本を決める determine which book to read next
- 次に読む本を決定する determine which book to read next
- 一晩中寝ずに本を読む stay up all night reading a book
- 辞書を使わずに本を読む read a book without a dictionary
- たくさんの本を通勤時間の間に読む read heaps of books during commuting time
- 休暇中に読むために本を持って行く take the book away with one to read on holiday
- 一度に読む read ~ at one stretch〔~を〕
- 一気に読む read ~ at one sitting〔~を〕
- 飛ばされる be shunted off to〔~へ〕