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  • review of spending for the next fiscal year's budget
  • 来年     来年 らいねん next year
  • 年度     年度 ねんど year fiscal year school year term
  • 予算     予算 よさん estimate budget
  • 歳出     歳出 さいしゅつ annual expenditure
  • 直し     直し なおし correction repair
  •      し 10^24 (kanji is JIS X 0212 kuten 4906) septillion (American) quadrillion
  • 来年度     next fiscal year
  • 予算案     予算案 よさんあん draft budget
  • 見直し     見直し みなおし review reconsideration
  • 年度予算     1. annual budget 2. fiscal budget 3. yearly budget
  • 来年度予算     1. next fiscal budget 2. next year's budget
  • 来年度予算案の編成作業    work of compiling next year's budget
  • 来年度予算    1. next fiscal budget 2. next year's budget
  • 政府の年度予算案    administration's annual budget proposals
  • _年度予算案審議    deliberation of the budget for fiscal
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