You fixed us all real good , didn't you ? 格段の世話になったな そうだろ? 相棒
He's much faster than when he was a bug ... 蟲の時より格段のスピード
In the medieval period remarkable numbers of stone construction arts were produced compared to the heian period . 中世期は、平安期に比べて石造美術品の造立数は格段の数となった。
His rank was shoshiinoge , but a court noble is called kugyo only when he is in the rank of jusanmi or higher; thus , there was a big gap between jusanmi and shoshii . 頼政の位階は正四位下だが、従三位からが公卿であり、正四位とは格段の差があった。
A point service has started for express members , but its contents are still by far inferior to those by airlines in the aspect of preferential services to frequent users . エクスプレス会員に対しポイントシステムを開始しているが、そのサービス内容や、高頻度利用客への優遇サービスは格段の違いがある。
The nagara ryu-style danjiri dance performance was broadcast on mbs (mainichi broadcasting system ., inc .) on the eve of the opening of the japan world exposition in 1970 , which was before the dragon dance began to receive a special treatment . 龍踊りが格段の扱いをうける以前の、1970年の日本万国博覧会の前夜祭には、長柄流の地車踊りがMBS系(毎日放送)で放映された。