他国で容疑者の追跡を行う権限を有する have the authority to pursue suspects into other countries
And a fleet of drones and all that sort of stuff . 無人航空機の群れを動かす権限を有するからでしょう
Congress shall have power to enforce this amendment by appropriate legislation . 適切な法律によって実行させる権限を有する
As a result , kokushi who had great authority in the governance of provinces , namely zuryo (the head of the provincial governors ), appeared . こうして国内支配に大きな権限を有する国司、すなわち受領層が出現することとなった。
The right to control territories on the part of the imperial court was practically diminished to none after the muromachi period , and only the bakufu had authority to confiscate . 室町時代以後、朝廷の土地支配権が実質上消滅すると、幕府のみが没官権限を有するようになった。
Originally , a retired empreor was considered to hold the same and equivalent authority as an emperor , so it was considered natural that the retired emperor and emperor rule together since the first retired emperor jito and emperor monmu . もともと太上天皇は天皇と同格かつ同等の権限を有するものとされ、最初の太上天皇である持統天皇と文武天皇以来、太上天皇と天皇が共同で執政することは当然のこととされていた。
In the kamakura bakufu , there was a regulation called ' bokan joshi ,' which prohibited gokenin (immediate vassals of the shogunate ) to be appointed to joshi (zaikyo azukaridokoro ) or high-ranked shokan (governor of the manor ) with similar authority . なお、鎌倉幕府においては、御家人が上司(在京預所)あるいはそれに近い権限を有する上級荘官に補任されることを禁じた「傍官上司」と呼ばれる規定があった。
Daijokan (grand council of state ) and minbusho (ministry of popular affairs ), which had the authority concerning denso , issued fu (tally ) and the shoen approved for tax exemption by the tally was called kanshofu sho (a shoen enjoying immunity from taxation by virtue of having official documents from both the council of state and the ministry of popular affairs ). 田租に係る権限を有する太政官と民部省が発する符により不輸が承認された荘園を官省符荘という。
Moreover , in thought of law in japan of the times , executive power and judicial power were not isolated (for example , machi-bugyo 〔town magistrate〕 held both of administration power and judicial power in edo ), on the contrary , securing public security through ginmi (investigation ) of ginmisuji that was criminal case was considered a core of public administration . 更に当時の日本の法思想では行政権と司法権の分離は行われておらず(例えば、町奉行は江戸の行政・司法の両方の権限を有する)、却って刑事事件である吟味筋の吟味を通じた治安の確保こそが行政行為の中核と捉えられていた。