- in the ensuing weeks
- 次の 次の proximate[医生]
- 週間 週間 しゅうかん week weekly
- で で 出 outflow coming (going) out graduate (of) rising (of the sun or moon) one's
- 数週間 1. for several weeks 2. several weeks
- 数週間で in a few weeks
- この数週間 1. for the last [past] few weeks 2. within the past weeks
- 数週間で in a few weeks
- この数週間に in recent weeks
- 続く数週間で in the ensuing weeks
- その後の数週間 in the ensuing weeks
- その間の数週間 during the intervening weeks
- 出産後の数週間 weeks following birth
- 次の数日間で in the ensuing days
- 約数週間で_度目 the __ in a matter of weeks〔_には序数が入る〕
- この数週間のうちに in recent weeks