Out of the indian centers and how do they compare 特許の質を 比較検討するんです
Out of the indian centers and how do they compare 特許の質を 比較検討するんです
With the quality of the patents filed out of the u .s . centers ? 特許の質を 比較検討するんです
With the quality of the patents filed out of the u .s . centers ? 特許の質を 比較検討するんです
Arriving at a conclusion after comparatively reviewing several solutions . いくつかの解決策を比較検討した 上で 結論を出すものであって➡
Nichiren compared and examined all ideas and religions , of course including the lifetime teaching of shaka , and evaluated whether the religious principles are high or low , shallow or deep , and better or worse by five steps . 日蓮は、釈迦仏一代の教えはもちろん、世間にあるすべての思想や宗教を比較検討し、教理の高低・浅深・勝劣を比較し、すぐれたものを段階的に五重に選択した。
That same yoritomo ' s plan for a new government used as models the three governments of the taira family , kiso yoshinaka , and the provincial government of the oshu fujiwara clan , and it is thought that the form of the kamakura government was molded out of comparative consideration of these . その頼朝の政権構想には、先行モデルとして平家政権・木曾義仲・奥州藤原地方政権の3パターンがあり、それらの比較検討から次第に鎌倉政権のイメージが練られたと思われる。
As opposed to goko-han (五綱判 ) (shukyo-no-goka (宗教の五箇 )) , which focuses on the relative advantage of the sect as compared to other sects , sandaihiho is called shushi-no-sanka (宗旨の三箇 ) and is generally understood as a principle of transcending and resolving all conflicts from the viewpoint of absolute mercy . 他宗教との比較検討の上から自宗の相対的優位を示すことに主眼が置かれた五綱判(宗教の五箇)に対して、三大秘法は宗旨の三箇と称せられ、絶対的慈悲の立場から一切の対立を超越し包み込もうとする原理として一般には理解される。
Recent years , comparative studies on the chikama clan in the west and the ando clan in the east , both of which were tokuso ' s bureaucrats taking charge of the respective peripheral border in the east and in the west of the medieval nation , have developed and it is revealed that both of them had a huge extension of the territory compared with the samurai groups in the center , and their territories were even reaching outside the national territory . 近年、中世国家の東西境界周辺の得宗被官である、西の千竈氏と東の安東氏の比較検討研究が進み、ともに中央部の武士団に比べて所領面積が広大であり、国家の境界外に及んでいる点が指摘されている。