Yeasts developed by companies and private institutes 企業・民間機関開発の酵母
In 1983 , developed by a private-sector institution 1983年、民間機関開発。
In 2000 , developed by a private-sector institution 2000年、民間機関開発。
In 1999 , developed by a private-sector institution 1999年、民間機関開発。
In 1987 , developed by a private-sector institution 1987年、民間機関開発。
Sakamai developed by a private-sector institution 民間機関開発の酒米
A plane with civilians was hijacked ! 民間機がハイジャックされてんだぞ
The good news is , if they're flying commercially they will have to unload the money first . [いい知らせは] 彼らが民間機で飛ぶなら 最初に金をおろさなきゃならないってことだ
Drying of such proprietary yeasts is outsourced to private institutes (such as shinwa foods chemical ). 民間機関(シンワフーズケミカルなど)でその自社酵母の乾燥化を受託している。
You fly commercially into rafichariri tomorrow afternoon , you grab a cab downtown , and you check into the commodore . 民間機でラフィク ハリリへ 明日の午後にはタクシーで コモドールにチェックイン