- special credit of corporation tax
- 法人 法人 ほうじん juridical (legal) person corporate body corporation
- 人税 tax on earnings
- 税額 税額 ぜいがく amount of tax
- 特別 特別 とくべつ special
- 控除 控除 こうじょ subsidy deduction
- 法人税 法人税 ほうじんぜい corporation tax
- 特別控除 special deduction
- 外国法人税額控除 foreign corporation tax credit
- 広範囲の特別控除 broad range of special exemptions
- 一時所得の特別控除 1. occasional income deduction 2. special deduction for occasional income
- 山林所得の特別控除 forestry income deduction
- 試験研究費の特別控除 credit for experimental and research expenses
- 譲渡所得の特別控除 1. special deductions in capital gains 2. special subtraction of transfer income
- 特別控除 special deduction
- 法人税控除 1. corporate tax break 2. corporation tax credit