- hang out the laundry
- 洗濯 洗濯 せんたく washing laundry
- 外に 外に ほかに in addition besides
- つる つる 痙る to cramp to be cramped to contract 釣る to fish 鶴 crane (bird) 吊る to hang
- るす るす 留守 absence being away from home
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- 洗濯物 洗濯物 せんたくもの clothes to be washed
- つるす つるす 吊す 吊るす to hang
- 洗濯物を洗濯ロープにつるす hang laundry on a clothesline
- 洗濯物を物干し竿につるす hang laundry on a clothesline
- 洗濯物を外に干す hung the washing out to dry
- 外につるす hang out
- 洗濯物を出す send out the laundry
- 洗濯物を干す 1. dry clothes in the sun 2. hang out the laundry 3. hang out the wash 4. hang out the wash to dry 5. hang out the washing to dry 6. hang out washing 7. hang the laundry up to dry 8. hang up the lau
- 洗濯物を畳む 1. fold laundry 2. fold one's clothes
- 晴れの日に外に洗濯物を干して乾かす hang laundry outside to dry on warm days