As the additive amount was limited by the revision of the liquor tax act in 2006 , the volume cannot be tripled at present . 2006年の酒税改正により、添加量が制限されており、現在は3倍までは増量できなくなっている。
There are two kinds of yokan depending on the amount of agar: neri-yokan (yokan made of pasted adzuki beans ) and mizu-yokan (yokan containing less agar and more water than neri-yokan ). 寒天の添加量により、煉羊羹と水羊羹の二種類がある。
However , through the jizake (local sake ) boom which occurred in the mid-1970s , consumers who looked for seishu of higher quality gradually increased , which caused the increased production of honjozoshu (a sake brewed with rice of polishing ratio not exceeding 70 % as main material and distilled alcohol of as auxiliary material not exceeding 10 % of rice by weight ) with less added alcohol and no added sugar and of junmaishu which was the original japanese sake . しかし、1970年代半ばにおこった地酒ブームなどを通じて、次第に清酒へ高い品質を求める消費者が増え始めたため、アルコール添加量が少なく糖類などを添加していない本醸造酒や、元来の日本酒である純米酒などの生産が増え始めた。