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"激痛"の例文"激痛" 意味"激痛" 中国語の意味


  • 激痛
    pain (intense, sharp, violent)


  • And this became a vicious cycle that ended up
    こんな悪循環が続き 激痛と関節の症状が出て
  • And this became a vicious cycle that ended up
    こんな悪循環が続き 激痛と関節の症状が出て
  • Four days later , the body was full of pain .
    4日後のことです 体中に激痛が走りました
  • I can't even describe how painful it is .
    あれ激痛だから。 あの痛さはな 尋常じゃねえ。
  • Gallstone attack and was admitted to emergency . gallstones ?!
    激痛で 緊急入院。 胆石!?
  • Or bleed to death from you inactivity . the choice is yours .
    激痛か失血死か さあ 選ぶんだ
  • And i can't piss a single drop in this intense pain !
    何より この激痛の中では 小便なんか一滴も出ねえ!
  • But when she walked , she felt excruciating pain .
  • Causing so much pain and joint issues
    こんな悪循環が続き 激痛と関節の症状が出て
  • Causing so much pain and joint issues
    こんな悪循環が続き 激痛と関節の症状が出て
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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