物流費 1. logistics cost [expense] 2. physical distribution cost [expense]
拠点 1 1. bases 2. center of resistance 3. lodgment 4. point d'appui〈フランス語〉 5. point dappui 6. strong point 7. stronghold 拠点 2 bastion〔比喩的に〕
The city has many physical distribution centers and warehouses because of its convenient location . 立地を活かし、倉庫・物流拠点としての利用もある。
Hatsuni means shipping goods (products ) from distribution bases including factories and warehouses to stores for the first time after the new year starts . 初荷(はつに)とは、年が明けて、最初に工場や倉庫など物流拠点から販売店へ向けて商品(製品)が出荷されること。
Although the city once suffered heavy damages during the siege of osaka , it recovered with the support of the edo bakufu that positioned the city as the only center of commerce in the western japan . 大坂の陣によって大打撃を受けるものの、江戸幕府はここを西国唯一の物流拠点と位置づけて再建を支援した。
The uprising omi-genji occupied lake biwa that was the main artery for distributing goods between the hokuriku region and heian-kyo (the ancient capital of japan in current kyoto ) and seized nengu (land tax ) on the way from the hokuriku region to heian-kyo . 蜂起した近江源氏は北陸地方と平安京を結ぶ物流拠点である琵琶湖を占拠し、北陸から都へ上る年貢を差し押さえた。
Shinshiro-suganuma clan ' s paper money had a style resembling the shukueki-satsu issued in shukueki (relay station towns ) along the tokaido road , because it was located at an important distribution spot in the shinshu-kaido road connecting the tokaido road to the shinano province . 新城菅沼氏の紙幣は、その発行地が東海道と信濃国を結ぶ信州街道の物流拠点であったこともあり、東海道の宿駅で発行されたいわゆる宿駅札と似た札様式である。