Therefore , it is designated as a special protection area , which is strictly controlled , within yoshino-kumano national park . そのため吉野熊野国立公園のなかでも特に規制の厳しい特別保護地区に指定されている。
For this reason , it is designated as government-designated mt . odaigahara wildlife refuge (large-scale habitat ) (1 ,403 hectares of special protection area within the total area of 18 ,054 hectares ). このため、国指定大台山系鳥獣保護区(大規模生息地)に指定されている(面積18,054ヘクタール、うち特別保護地区1,403ha)。
Along with kutsu-jima island , the islands have been designated by kyoto prefecture as the kanmurijima and kutsujima islands game reserve (collective breeding place ) (the total area of both islands is 471 hectares , with 44 hectares being set aside as a special protection area ). また沓島とともに京都府指定冠島沓島鳥獣保護区(集団繁殖地)に指定されている(面積は両島合わせて471ヘクタール、うち特別保護地区44ha)。
The park covers the following: the area around the coastline of wakasa bay , kanmuri-jima island and kutsu-jima island which are specially protected areas within the bay , mikata marine park , mikata goko (five lakes of mikata ), a wetland designated by the ramsar convention , and its neighborhood . 公園は同湾岸周辺のほか、湾に浮かぶ特別保護地区の冠島・沓島、海中公園の三方海中公園、ラムサール条約指定湿地となっている三方五湖およびその周辺を含有している。
Along with kanmuri-jima island , it is designated as the kanmurijima and kutsujima islands game reserve (collective breeding place ) by kyoto prefecture (the total area of both islands is 471 hectares , including 44 hectares of special protection area ), and is an uninhabited island , with visits largely banned in order to protect breeding sea birds . 冠島とともに京都府指定冠島沓島鳥獣保護区(集団繁殖地)に指定されており(面積は両島で471ヘクタール、うち特別保護地区44ha)、無人島で海鳥の繁殖保護のため原則として上陸が禁止されている。