- arrive at one's own conclusion
- 独自 独自 どくじ original peculiar characteristic
- 結論 結論 けつろん conclusion
- 着く 着く つく to arrive at to reach はく to wear to put on (lower body, e.g. a sword)
- く く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
- 独自の 独自の adj. *original 【S】 【D】 [しばしばほめて] 独創的な, 創意に富む, 独自の;新奇な **own 独自の,
- たどり着く arrive reach at last
- やっと~にたどり着く arrive at ~ at last
- 家にたどり着く make it home
- 山頂にたどり着く 1. get to the top of a mountain 2. reach the mountain's peak
- 根底にたどり着く get to the bottom of〔~の〕
- 海岸にたどり着く win to shore
- 解答にたどり着く have the answer
- 陸にたどり着く touch [reach] land
- たどり着く arrive reach at last
- そのテーマにたどり着く get into the subject